U.S. Facilities Reach Zero Waste to Landfill Achievement

Antonio Gutierrez
Executive Vice President
“The communities among whom we work and live rightly expect us to act with the highest integrity and to work tirelessly to improve our social and environmental impact. Therefore, we take pride in our work to reach our goal of all facilities of ITG Brands in the Americas achieving a zero waste to landfill (ZWTL) status! ”
This is an incredible achievement in a relatively short period of time and is only the first, but critical, step in our ESG journey. Creating an organization that is dedicated to sustainable future benefits for everyone, from our consumers to employees and to our planet.
This could not be accomplished without the hard work and dedication of a collaborative team who focused their efforts to make this possible three months ahead of schedule. It was truly a collaborative effort!

The ZWTL program will keep over 1,000 tons of waste from entering a landfill every year in our region. It will also provide composting material for farming and converting waste to energy.
This is truly a monumental first step. As we improve, we will be seeking out methods to avoid waste generation and look more closely at developing sustainable energy sources for our facilities.